Well, January was a great month for Pop Culture I think. We had the Golden Globes with my two favorite ladies, we had the Grammy’s with a couple of very cool performances (Chicago AND Robin Thicke? 33 couples got MARRIED? wow) and I got the nasty cold going around so did some binge watching. Evidently my Pop Culture New Years Resolution was to get caught up to live on some TV shows.
When I get a cold, all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV. Last year I read The Revolution Was Televised by Alan Sepinwall and TV critic that I’ve grown to like after reading this book. In the book he discusses 12 shows that revolutionized television. And so I’ve tried to watch a couple of them of them, since I’d only watched 2 of them! The first one I’m watching is Friday Night Lights. I don’t like football, BUT man this show is great. It’s kind of a slow burn show, and great drama and people who really love and care for each other. Everyone needs a Coach Taylor in their life!
Veronica Mars. After I backed the movie on Kickstarter and got my tshirt, I realized I needed to FINISH the series which I’ve owned for years. So, with a few quiet TV weeks to start the year I finally finished the series. It was great, and now I’m REALLY excited for the movie.
Justified. I really like this show, and finally finished Season 3, and when I heard Season 4 was on Amazon Prime, I watched 9 episodes in one sick day…yes, you are jealous. Season 4 was MUCH better than Season 3, and Season 2 will always be one of my favorite seasons of TV EVER. ( the John Lithgow season of Dexter is on that list). I’m now caught up and watching Season 5 live.
Sherlock. I have loved every episode of this show, but for some reason the 90 minute time frame always keeps me from popping in an episode to watch when there’s nothing on TV. I finally watched Season 2 of the show, and WOW it was great. I have Season 3 on the DVR to catch up on hopefully this week. 3 episodes is never enough, but when they’re SO spectacular I’m OK with it.
Up next…Doctor Who (I’m still on the Pond’s eps), Orphan Black, and Luther.
Super Graphic. I got this book for Christmas and quickly devoured it. It’s infographics on comic book characters. It’s a nerds dream come true. It’s the PERFECT gift for any comic book lover in your life.
Visitation Street. I read about this book in Entertainment Weekly a few months ago. It was $2 on Amazon Kindle a while back so I picked it up, and just started reading it this weekend. So far, so good. I’ll hopefully have a full report next week!
The Walking Dead. Good grief, with the absence of the TV show they doubled up on the comics, and I missed that memo so I’m all out of whack and behind since I have issue 116 and 118, and now it’s up to 120. Yes folks, THESE are my issues in life…
That’s what’s up in my pop culture world to get the year started- how about you? Any pop culture resolutions?
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