Consuming pop culture in a pandemic is weird. Sometimes it’s great, but I am noticing the changes to my pop culture habits this past month. I can’t watch too much “dark” TV, news podcasts are fewer and further in between and books better be entertaining and escapist for me right now. What pop culture habits have you seen change over the past
year month? Here’s a few things that got me through…
I FINALLY finished The Starless Sea and I didn’t like it. I mean, it was fine but it needed to be read on vacation over a couple of days where you could continue to pay attention to who was who and what all that flowery language in the beginning was referencing in the end of the book. I posted a comment on my Instagram and had multiple people agree and a few who actually loved it. I think those that enjoyed it were able to consume it in less than 3 months. So, take that note if you pick up the book (or want my copy – happy to pass it along!)
Inheritance by Dani Shapiro was my Pandemic Book Club book and it was a much easier read! Shapiro discovers through a DNA test that her father wasn’t her biological father. It was a fascinating story about a woman who’s parents had both passed away without sharing their secret. It’s a really interesting story. Fun fact – my dad was adopted and his birth family found him about 14 years ago. Somehow I find his story (and his birth mother’s) more interesting (big surprise). Still if you love a good WTF happened? this is worth it!
I’m not sure what’s up next – I need the weather to warm up. I have a stack of books on the table to get through, plus a bunch of new recommendations thanks to the library. Fun fact – my library does a Book-ish Happy Hour each week, which is now on Zoom (and open to anyone from anywhere!) if you’re stuck on what to read next, they can help! It’s low key and a smaller group so you get lots of great ideas tailored to you! Also – check out your own library, they might be almost as awesome as mine 😉
I’ve been catching up with Think Out Loud an OPB podcast with local news stories each day. It’s been a good way to keep up on local/state news especially with an upcoming election in May! I also appreciate OPB Politics Now for keeping me up to date. Family Secrets from Dani Shapiro (or Inheritance fame earlier in this blog post) has a GREAT podcast where people tell you about their crazy family secrets. Most of them have books or have written/spoken of their stories in other venues but man alive they’re crazy fascinating stories if you like that kind of thing (and I do!)
I’m also listening to more Steely Dan than usual (thanks dad?), the Trolls World Tour soundtrack is pretty great and other random pop music that keeps me moving.
My husband and I making our way through Ozark right now which is a REALLY good but hella dark show. We’re good for one episode at a time and we don’t make it every night. We’re about to start S3 so should be done by my next round up to fully discuss – which I know my in-laws can’t wait for either.
I mostly sobbed through the Schitts Creek finale, it was so fantastic. I did finally watch the Best Wishes, Warmest Regards documentary about the final season and it was lovely and man that show is so good. As per the usual, we’re on a Parks & Rec loop and can’t WAIT for the special episode tonight!
I LOVED Little Fires Everywhere, wow that was fantastic. It was weird to watch a show set while I was also in high school, so relating to the adults AND kids was kind of weird. It was great. If you have Hulu jump on this show! I’m also enjoying Mrs. America on Hulu. I didn’t know the story of Phylis Schlafley and really not a ton about the ERA work and who all was involved with it, so I tend to learn something new each episode.
The SNL at Home episodes have been weird, but I’ve appreciated them. They’re trying something that I think a LOT more shows are going to have to figure out in the coming months. I was sad the Gretchen Whitmer sketch was cut for time last week, it was so great!
I really enjoyed this season of Brooklyn 99 – the dance number in the finale was FANTASTIC. Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist continues to be the perfect show for right now. Trust me, watch it. Also, both seasons of New York & Beverly Hills Housewives are keeping me sane. There’s nothing better than a bunch of crazy rich women who have no idea what’s coming complaining about NOTHING. My husband and I are also grateful for the return of Top Chef, although it REALLY has us missing going out for dinner. I miss restaurants and not having to clean up after dinner…
The other day my brother texted the family to demand we all start watching Never Have I Ever, and he was right, it’s AWESOME. We only watched the pilot but we’ll binge the rest over the next week or so – it’s the kind of show we need right now! Plus, John McEnroe does the voice over which is super random for a show about an Indian American teenage girl…
Okay, that’s it for the month – what pop culture is saving you and your quarantine companions lately?
I’m watching Ozark too! Only one episode at a time. I’m going to jump to Cheer for a break. I also interested in Normal People on Hulu. Watched 1 episode. It is a bit hard to understand them. Also enjoyed Little Fires!
I really want Morning Show to come back sooner than it is!!