What’s the deal with people on LinkedIn lately? I know everyone has a different idea of how they use LinkedIn or WHEN they will “link.” For me, if we have met at an event before and had a conversation then LinkedIn is a great way to keep an eye on each other, see who we both know, and from there maybe meet up again.
However, lately a LOT of people seem to think we’re friends by using the canned “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.” Nope, not happening. Sometimes I will take the time to see if we know a few of the same people and maybe we HAVE met before, but often times I will ignore.
The other day someone said we were “Friends” and I had never seen him before. What’s MORE annoying is that he added a personal message – and by message I mean quick sales pitch “I do XXX and would love to work with you- call me 425…” SERIOUSLY?
LinkedIn is a place to connect with people you know professionally. And don’t assume that you’re as memorable as your mom tells you. A polite and PROFESSIONAL reminder of how you met will go a long way…and a canned request will get a canned response – and by canned, I mean kicked off LinkedIn.