Why are people so incapable of following instructions?
Earlier today my client emailed me asking my input about an advertising opportunity. We decided that it wasn’t the right fit at this time. And in my email to her I suggest she tell the ad rep that they contact me as I’m helping to manage these efforts for my client. My client responded to the ad rep, CC’d me on the email, introduce me to him and said “in the future contact us both and we’ll discuss and get back to you.”
And so the idiot ad rep responded immediately to my CLIENT and not me. And he went on and on about how they use to advertise and don’t now. I don’t know, maybe they dropped because you’re desperate and begging here?
Because she’s a great client she immediately forwards the email to me with a note “So – here is where I have no patience. He already didn’t follow my directions which were to contact BOTH of us!”
And so now this poor ad rep, who is clearly not great at his job, has lost another sale and will have to do a great job of being on top of it in any future communication with us, because we’re both suspect of his competency level.
Sales Folks: It’s simple, follow directions & get the sale. Ignore directions or requests, lose the sale.
And if you’re thinking “gee Elizabeth, lighten up and give the guy a break,” I do hear you, but I am of the opinion if you want my money or need something from ME, make it really easy for me. He’s not damned for life, but there will definitely be a red flag next to any endeavors with this publication and person in the future…
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