In the past 24 hours I’ve received emails that aren’t in an approved newsletter program, but are obviously sent to multiple people. The first email stated at the bottom “if you’d rather not get this kind of news from us, just let us know and we’ll unsubscribe you.” And that’s fine. I emailed the person, who’s a colleague, and mentioned throwing it into a newsletter program. They said they want people to open it if it comes directly from their email program. Well, okay.
The second email came from an insurance sales person (always my favorite, right after financial planner emails…) and the first line was cheesy and obviously they did an email merge program for “Hey Elizabeth” and then onto the canned “call me so I can sell you stuff.” No opt out option, and nothing personalized.
If you want me to give you my money, spend some effort and time being personal, OR be honest. I send out my monthly newsletter that is obviously going to a lot of people in my network. But there’s no hiding it. If I want to reach out to you individually, or to a smaller group, I’ll make sure to be a real person to you, in hopes you’ll be a real person to me.
Otherwise, you’re burning bridges you didn’t know might be there.
Sven Mogelgaard says
I got one recently from a marketing “expert” from his AOL account (WTF?). When I replied asking him to take me off his list he actually called me and asked why. Incredible.
Tracey Warren says
No self-respecting marketing “expert” is on AOL. Oh my word.
Tracey Warren says
Ooh, and my favorite is when they put everyone in the To: box. Ugh.
Thanks for sharing this!