If you get my newsletter then you know that I am a stickler for following up with people. And I nag you about it often. So, yesterday while catching up with a friend, the topic of follow up came up AGAIN!
I’m amazed – someone gave you their business card and said “hi, I’d like to give you my money, or connect you with someone who will give you THEIR money” and you don’t follow up with it? To answer your never ending question: this is why you aren’t successful.
People – I can’t stress enough, if someone sends you an introduction email or asks you to send them information, FOLLOW UP. If you’re out networking often, make sure you take some time the day after that event (or later that day if it’s a morning event) and send them the information they requested. Also take a few minutes to put their information into your CRM and you can easily create a follow up system. I wouldn’t nag folks, but I’d check in with them if you don’t hear back in a few days (give it 4-5 biz days) to make sure they got your information and see if they have questions.
Yesterday after that meeting I met with another colleague. We discussed a couple of people from our networks we should connect each other with. Two hours later I had an introduction to a lead, I had a follow up FROM that person, and we’re meeting next week. I will GLADLY send business his way again. And I did, later that afternoon, and he followed up and they’re meeting. See, two people got great leads because of FOLLOW UP. You should try it, it’s not hard and it often leads to great things!
If you don’t do the follow up with me, why would I ever trust that you “gladly have time for my referral”?
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