Alright folks, it’s that time of the month again, when I share what I’m reading, watching and listening to. Here’s a few things that I am finding interesting, and you might as well!
My dad handed me his copy of The Sisters Brothers and said it’s the best book he’s read this year. I’m half way through and REALLY loving it! It’s not the kind of book I’d ever think I’d like (a western about two brothers who are hired killers in Oregon Country), but man it’s a great story so far! Will give you the results next month…
I also have been catching up on some comics as usual, and finally read Thief of Thieves, ANOTHER suggestion from my dad (yeah, he knows me well!) and it was a cool graphic novel! It’s the same author as The Walking Dead but the subject matter couldn’t be more different. If you like a good heist book, this is it.
Holy cow the Red Wedding on Game of Thrones was intense! I can’t believe it!
I also power watched Arrested Development‘s new season, and thoroughly enjoyed it! Sure the Lindsay episodes were terrible, but as a whole I thought it was good, I was so glad to see the Bluth’s back in action, and that final scene was great.
My husband and I discovered House of Cards because of our new Netflix addiction, and wow it’s awesome. We haven’t binge-watched it yet, but that’s mostly because we’ve been busy!
This summer I tend to pick a TV series that I have wanted to watch but never got around to. I’m going to start with Battlestar Galactica and then hopefully watch Breaking Bad so I’m caught up for the end of the series later this summer.
I also can’t wait for the final season of Dexter coming up, and a new show on NBC called Camp looks pretty funny for some light summer watching.
I’m a bigger fan of podcasts when I drive than listening to music or the radio. Lately I enjoyed the Rick Moranis interview on The Nerdist podcast.
I also caught the Patent Troll podcast from This American Life, which was great, and finally got me back into This American Life podcasts.
And if you’re looking for a good business podcast, the guys at The Boss Show, are local and do great 20-30 minute podcasts. It’s the perfect commute podcast!
So there you have it- what are you listening to, watching and reading this month?
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