Well, May flew right by didn’t it? I had some road trips happening so the DVR got backed up, but my podcast listening was on fleek (that’s still a thing right? no? fine) Here’s what I’ve been up to (and slacking on) this month:
I’m still chomping away at Fellside – it’s REALLY good, and the chapters are super short, which makes it easy to put down when I get interrupted by something shiny (or Norm). I’m hoping to finish it soon because…
City of Mirrors is out! I picked it up the other day (at Costco, I feel like I’m cheating on Powell’s so will go spend more money than necessary in a few days to make up for it). This is the 3rd in a trilogy that I’ve REALLY enjoyed. I can’t wait to start it!
And I’m way behind on my comics lately – hoping to fix that in June – warmer days get me outside to read in the afternoon!
Holy crap this season of The Americans has been amazing! The time jump was a great idea, and that dinner with Stan and Pastor Tim was so fantastically awkward. I loved it.
This season of Game of Thrones is keeping me on my toes. Also: Hodor.
I have a few shows that have been really backed up – and I haven’t even started this season of Orphan Black. I know, I’m a disappointment to myself too. I’m really glad finales are happening so I can get caught up on the last half of Nashville this season and maybe finally watch ALL the Netflix shows that are piling up…
Oh – and we saw Captain America: Civil War – and it was a BLAST! I haven’t had that much fun at a movie in a long time – get to the theater to see it!
The Bill Simmons Podcast with David Chang was really fantastic. As a business owner and delicious food fan, it was an excellent listen.
Play Your Position Podcast – featuring ME! I had my first podcast interview with Mary Lou Kayser at Team PYP – and it was a blast! Give it a listen if you miss the sound of my voice, or need some marketing inspiration.
The Nerdist had a great string of guests lately, from Jodie Foster to Rob Reiner to Anthony Mackie – it was great!
I’m still listening to The Watch and Keeping it 1600 on The Ringer podcast networking – they’re great podcasts for TV and politics!
So that’s me, what have you been reading, watching and listening to this past month?
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