August is a great excuse to skip out of work early, day drink and make excuses for your business being slow. BUT, fear not, there are is business to be had for those who want it! Here’s a few great networking events this month, AND a Headshot special you NEED to take advantage of!
Friday, August 9th
NWEN Breakfast Buzz
You know how much I love NWEN breakfasts. Great networking, great people, great inspiration. If you are a start up, NWEN is the place to be! This month is NWEN Idol where startups get to pitch their idea to a loving crowd. It’s always a fun time!
Friday, August 9th
Dog Park Networking!
Come one, come all, bring your pup or come without one, it’s OK. Join Hank & me for a Friday morning swim (okay, he swims, I don’t) at Luther Burbank Off Leash. Let me know if you’re coming!
Thursday, August 15th
eWomen Network Luncheon
As most of you know I’ve been a big fan of eWomenNetwork for a LONG time and the speakers scheduled in 2013 do not look to disappoint! If you can’t join the luncheon but want to check out eWomen let me know, they have smaller events throughout the month.
Monday, August 19th
Tara Gimmer Headshot Day!
My good friend Tara does AMAZING headshots. And if your LinkedIn profile or social media avatar is a picture of you with a beer in your hand, you need a headshot. Tara will hook you up for just $99!
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