Since December is often such a crazy month for folks, we’ll do things a little differently this round…
What I’m up to:
December’s going to keep me busy, I’ll only work for 3 weeks and then down to Oregon for Christmas and back up to Seattle by New Years where I will officiate my first wedding, I can’t wait! December starts off with the Stevie Wonder concert, and then the Whitworth University Choir Concert which is a great start to the holiday season. I’ll be drinking beer with my Beer Geek Girls for our holiday party and bottle share, and attending a few other holiday parties and year end festivities.
What You should be up to:
December is an easy month to get out there and do stuff, or be a hermit at home. Don’t overwhelm yourself, but this is a great chance to catch up with friends and family and share what’s new with you and your business, you never know what opportunities will come up by the punch bowl! Be friendly, not pushy, as you meet new folks this holiday season, a Christmas Party isn’t the right time to sell your product or service, but you never know who you might want to follow up with in the new year!
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