Well, just like that it’s Halloween. How did this happen? I’ve been spending more time than usual watching TV this month, luckily it’s a good month to want to sit on the couch and be entertained! I actually didn’t finish reading anything this month, a new low I know, but I have a pile of comics and books to get through and hoping with more rainy weekends I’ll start reading more!
Here’s where my pop culture needs have been met this month…
The Martian – I LOVED this book and the movie did an awesome job at being faithful to the book and while I loved all the “science the shit out it” stuff in the book, I’m glad the movie found a way to not make it two hours of math. Read the book, see the movie, you’re welcome!
The Walking Dead – It’s back and it’s more action packed than ever! I’ve liked that each episode has been focused on one location or group of people. I do hope they are all back together at some point, but for now, I like that they aren’t trying to jump all over the place and instead just focus on one group at a time. Oh, and no question that (redacted) is dead. This isn’t Game of Thrones.
You’re the Worst – I loved this show last year and am loving it again this season. Finding out that Gretchen has depression and cries in her car at night was an interesting place to take the show and I’m really excited to see how they handle it. Plus, Edgar has a girlfriend and I love it!
Fargo – I dislike Kirsten Dunst a ton, but man alive do I love this season! The characters are great, and I am so excited to see where it goes and how the pieces come together. I can’t say enough good things about this show.
The Leftovers – I watched the season premier with my dad a couple weeks ago – he said that by the end of the episode he’d either be hooked again or done with the show. I agreed and by the end of the episode we were both hooked again. I like that they first episode focused on a whole new family and community – and I like that it’s a shorter season, I think it’s forcing them to not get too distracted by shiny objects.
I just finished listening to WTF with James Taylor like many people my age I grew up listening to James Taylor, and credit Mockingbird with Carly Simon as one of my youngest musical memories. It was an interesting episode, he talked a lot about his addictions and being sober (like many WTF ep’s) and made me want to listen to James Taylor a lot more.
Nerdist had a great hostful episode where they talked about getting engaged and getting married that was very sweet. I also loved the interviews with Colin Hanks and Mark-Paul Gosslaar. And I listened to the episode with Kristen Dunst but I still don’t like her all that much. This week’s episode with the Hyper Loop guys was AWESOME – I can’t wait 30 years for it to finally be a reality!
One of my favorite podcasts The Hollywood Prospectus is no more and I am so sad. One of the two guys on the podcast left Grantland, so it’s over. Sad day. But Andy Greenwald did a great interview with Seth Meyers the other day that made me happy. Andy also recently interviewed the Editor in Chief at Marvel Comics which was awesome, and the President of AMC’s original programming which was a great conversation if you like AMC shows (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, stuff I like).
We’re going on a short trip to the beach next week so I’ll get caught up on more podcasts and maybe do some reading while I’m gone. I’ll definitely drink good beer though, don’t worry.
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