As many of you know, I’m a big pop culture fan. If you follow me on twitter, you are WELL aware of my nerdiness. So, I’ve decided to occasionally give you a glimpse into what I’m reading/watching/listening to in the pop culture arena. If you have suggestions of other things I should be checking out, feel free to share in the comments!
Sacre Bleu, Christopher Moore. My dad bought me this book for Christmas, and I’m finally reading it since I have a trip to Paris planned for August. It’s art history, comedy, and Paris all wrapped up in one. Two (soon to be three) of my favorite things!
The Walking Dead, I finally caught up with these graphic novels (Ezekiel has a Tiger!). If you like the TV show, or are frustrated with the show, or it scares the crap out of you so you think reading the comics will help you out, you’re correct, and should check out this great series. I picked up all the graphic novels at the library and am now going to my somewhat-local comic book store to buy the latest issue each month. I have reached that level of geekdom, and it is awesome.
Listening To
When my dad was up in March we went to see The Alabama Shakes (my dad is WAY cooler than your dad, FYI), and they were awesome. I’m listening to them a lot, and their opening act, Sam Doores and the Tumbleweeds. Again, awesome. I’m in love with the show Nashville, so a lot of my music is in that vain lately, The Lumineers, The Civil Wars, and others. Oh, and fun. has a great album I enjoy.

I also listen to a lot of Podcasts. The latest discoveries include Pop Culture Happy Hour from NPR and You Made it Weird from Nerdist Industries. I still love the Nerdist Podcast and Grantland’s Hollywood Prospectus podcasts each week.
The Americans. This show is AWESOME. 80’s Russian spies living in DC, pretending to be married with 2 kids. It’s creepy, and awesome and so fun. I love it!
Nashville. I jumped right on this bandwagon in the fall and it has not disappointed. Yes it’s soapy and over the top, but the music is fun and there is a plethora of pretty people to look at.
New Girl. I can’t get enough, I love this show. I watch every episode twice because I’m laughing so hard the first time. It’s great.
Parks & Recreation. If you watch the show then it shouldn’t surprise you that I am in love with Ron Swanson and his libertarian values and awesome mustache. This is easily my favorite show on TV. I watch each episode twice, for the same reason as New Girl. Everything about it is sweet and funny and has had the odd effect of making me reach out to my city hall when I have a question or need something taken care of. I’m not to the Ann Perkins level yet, but could be soon.
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