A few weeks ago I received an email from someone who had downloaded my Monthly Marketing Calendar.
“I have a calendar, I have content, but putting it all together is overwhelming, so I am very inconsistent. Thoughts?”
As per the usual, I have lots of thoughts on this! Here was my response:
It’s time to schedule time to do the work. That’s my best suggestion – block time on your calendar to write and post and schedule social media/blogs/etc. It sounds like that may be the missing piece.
For some people (me) having a to do list is enough to ensure that your tasks get accomplished each week. My first two items on my to do list each week are 1. Blog 2. ZOHO (my CRM). This way you’re always guaranteed a blog post (you’re welcome) and I always make sure to do the follow up with my contacts and leads that I manage in my CRM.
For other people the to do list isn’t enough. You may need to block that TIME in your calendar. That’s why I recommend when you attend a networking event you also schedule time to do your follow up after the event. That way it gets done. Maybe it’s 30 minutes a day of marketing and follow up to start. Then you’ll start to see you don’t need it every day, or at least not as much time. Great! In time you’ll start to see just how much time you specifically need to do your marketing tasks and you can get them done.
Also consider WHEN in the day/week you want to do your marketing tasks. Monday is often an office day for me so I get a lot of my marketing/admin tasks done on Monday. I also know right after lunch isn’t always my most productive time so maybe some admin tasks are good to schedule then.
What do you do to ensure that your marketing tasks are accomplished each week?
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