I was listening to one of my new favorite Podcasts yesterday, Ask Me Another. They were interviewing Delia Ephron (Nora’s sister. And if you don’t know who that is, we can’t be friends). Delia was talking about how in her family everyone is a writer. Her dad’s go to phrase around the house was “That’s a Great Line, Write it Down.”
EXCELLENT advice. When moment’s of inspiration hit you, write it down. I often email notes to myself (which I did about this blog post). One of my friends keeps a notebook in his pocket to keep tabs on blog ideas. Whatever you need to do to work for you, keep a running tally of ideas. This can also be refresh content or messaging or a great new sales idea. I have a notebook in my purse at all times, I forever come home with notes from an event and a big circle or list of things “to do.”
The next time you have a great line, write it down!
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