This past week my husband and I were on vacation in Paris. It was awesome. We saw a ton, ate a ton, and walked a ton. I’ll talk more about the trip in coming posts I’m sure, but one thing that stood out to me was the great customer service at our hotel.
The day we left we asked for a wake up call at 7 AM. And the wake up call happened, and we got up. 10 minutes later our phone rang, and it was the front desk, just confirming that we got our wake up call and were awake.
How simple was that? Super simple. It didn’t cost them a dime, and was so thoughtful and easy to do.
The next time you think your client might need a loving nudge, do it. Make sure they’re “awake” and not missing something. Don’t nag, but help them out. We’re all busy and it’s easy to sleep through an alarm in our business.
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