This is your friendly reminder that the holiday season is here. I’m meeting with a few of my clients this week and on our agenda: The Holiday’s. Here’s a few questions we’ll be discussing:
Do you need to order Holiday cards to send out to clients and partners?
- How many?
- When will the list be done?
- Who’s in charge of mailing the cards out?
- When will this project be finished?
Are you sending out a Holiday eCard?
- It’s cheaper and easier if you don’t have mailing addresses!
- Do you need your graphic designer to whip up something for you?
- Do you have all your contacts updated in your newsletter program?
- Have you let your marketing consultant know you need help getting this taken care of (hint, hint…)
Holiday Gifts
- Are you sending holiday gifts to your clients?
- Are you doing a donation in their honor to an organization close to your heart or theirs?
- When do the gifts need to be ordered?
- When will they be delivered and who’s delivering the gifts?
- Do you need to include a card?
Depending on your lists and client base you may be getting to the wire here. Take the next few days and make these lists and create your plan for the holiday’s. Keep in mind clients who don’t celebrate the same holiday’s as you – a nice Festivus pole could be a more welcome addition than a wreath this year.
And remember, a Happy New Year card in early January is always a good option too, especially depending on your target market!
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