One of the many things I love about Twitter is that I can ignore people. Okay, that comes out wrong, but sometimes your friends (or strangers) will go on a rant and you can just skim right over those posts, or if it’s too frequent and the content isn’t interesting, you might un-follow that person.
I am VERY okay with people un-following me. I get it, sometimes I go off on tangents. I live tweet TV shows occasionally. I don’t usually talk about sales and marketing. I usually talk about Hank, beer and pop culture. And if that’s not something you’re interested in, you’re dead to me I’m okay with it.
The other day I un-followed someone. This person was tweeting stuff that just wasn’t of interest to me, and tweeted frequently enough I decided to clear it out of my twitter stream. And MOMENTS later I got a tweet asking “Was it something I said?”
There is NO WAY This answer isn’t YES. Yes, it was the content you were writing, it’s just not of interest to me. You tweet just frequently enough that I decided meh- not for me. I’ve never met you, after following you for a month or two, we’d get along just fine in a group, but probably not my new BFF. And that’s OKAY. I will say, it was a red flag that this person immediately tweeted and KNEW I was the one to unfollow. Really? You have nothing better to do with your time?
When it comes to social media- be aware. Your content isn’t for everyone. And that’s OKAY. The point of social media is to have a conversation, build your brand, and be a person. Not everyone in life likes you (sorry dude, they don’t), and not everyone wants to know what’s going on in your life. Don’t take it personally.
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