I’ll try not to make this a recurring blog series, but you never know. Here’s a couple of easy mistakes you may be making in your business that are unknowingly driving your clients or colleagues (or friends, family, etc.) crazy!
1. a lot– it’s 2 words. You know this. Your English teacher taught you this. Spell check may NOT be teaching you this, so pay attention.
2. Not Using BCC. When sending an email to a group of people more than 4 or 5, use the BCC line. If you’re sending out a document or piece of information to a group and it requires a direct response to you, use BCC. There’s nothing more annoying that having your inbox filled with responses you didn’t need to see because the sender isn’t sure how to use email. Here’s a great article from my friend Arden Clise at Clise Etiquette on Email Etiquette. Bookmark this post.
3. Texting– I am not a big fan. If you have a quick piece of information for me, an FYI, “call me when you have 5 minutes”, running late, sending me a Glympse, great. Asking me to review a website or asking me a question you need a lot of info and a thoughtful response on, pick up the phone and call me, or better yet, send me an email. If it’s not time sensitive, it shouldn’t be texted. Sure everyone else is on board with this, last week a friend said she called someone who’s voicemail said “texting is a better way to communicate with me.” That’s just fine, but it’s good to know HOW the people in your life like to be communicated with. I am not the fan of texting people seem to think I am.
Arden Clise says
Elizabeth, I agree with alot of what you’re saying (oops, I mean a lot). 😉 Thank you for the mention.
I too am not a big fan of texting other than quick messages. Great point that you should find out how people like to be communicated with and then do so.
I had never heard of Glympse before. Very cool! I may have to start using that.