When I first start to work with a client, we will often talk about what organizations they’re a member of. If I am helping with their online presence I’ll review their online profiles and make sure that they are fully filled out and maximizing the benefits of their membership. I am SHOCKED at how frequently small business owners don’t maximize their benefits. You paid a lot of money to join this group, make sure you get EVERYTHING out of it! Here’s 5 Ways to Maximize Your Membership Benefits…
- Fill Our Your Profile – Why is this such a challenge? Right now, schedule 30 minutes in the next week to review all organizations you’re a member of and fill out your profiles. Maybe they just need to be updated. Make sure you have your headshot and logo (if an option). DO THIS. It’s the easiest way for other members to find you!
- Get That List! Many organizations include access to their membership lists. If it’s a physical mailing list then create a postcard or offering to send them. If you get email addresses then send an introductory email (through an email program like Mail Chimp) or maybe a drip campaign depending on the rules (some organizations say you can contact members ONCE). Sometimes the organization will send something on your behalf – make sure to do this!
- Freebies- Some organizations, like OEN (where I’m a member) give you free passes to try out different types of events they offer. This is a GREAT idea and a good way to check out some different kinds of events you may not otherwise think were the right fit.
- Create a Specific Offer – It may be something you promote in your profile or when you attend events. It may just be something you offer when you are meeting with individual members. For organizations where I’m a member I have created discount codes for my Kick Ass Follow Up Templates.
- NETWORK – I am SHOCKED at how many of my clients pay a LOT of money for memberships to organizations and then never attend events. Your profile alone isn’t going to bring you business. People will hire you, refer to you and respond to you better if they have a face to go with the name in their inbox or from that profile. You have to go to the events. Why would you join the organization if you never intended to go meet the members? The more time I spend engaged in an organization the more referrals and connections I receive. I can account for multiple clients because we networked at the same organizations before they hired me.
What other member benefits do you always make sure to take advantage of?
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