I was talking with a client this morning about a workshop he recently attended. He mentioned that it was all about getting past objections. As my client & I were talking about that point, he said “I get business because I respect their wishes when they ask me to stop talking.”
Yes it’s just a “cup of coffee a week” or “a decision you can’t afford to miss out on” but if I’m not ready to buy, I’m not ready to buy. You pushing me into a decision I’m resentful of doesn’t make me like you. But if you tell me you understand and let me know if I change my mind you’re there for me, I appreciate that.
My client and I are on the same page in this regard, which is great. Learning to overcome objections is a great thing to learn about, helping your prospective client understand the VALUE of your product or service is a great thing to do. But bullying someone into buying your product or service, talking crap about the competition, treating them like an idiot for not knowing about your widget, that may get you the sale in the short term, but I guarantee it’s not going to get you far in the long term.
Years ago I worked with a company and we referred to this process as “Bless and Release.” It’s OK that they don’t want what you’re selling. Do you really want to work with someone who doesn’t want you? Harsh dude…
So, the next time you find yourself overcoming objections, take a moment to make sure that you are respecting their request to stop talking and be done selling them, or continuing to explain and educate IF they requested that.
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