I emailed a fellow service provider today asking for information for another service provider on a client of mine. I asked a quick question “can you please send him X, thanks!” Sounded simple right?
What I got in reply was “Don’t you already have that? I can look it up when I get back to my office if necessary.”
And then it took every fiber in my being to not respond with “Hey numb nuts, get you head out of you a$$ and send me this simple thing I asked you for. Sure I have the information, I’m just looking to waste your time and mine.”
I am a pretty organized person, I have different email folders for each client and make sure to keep any passwords or login/codes/etc saved. But, sometimes they got lost. Or sometimes, it doesn’t seem like it’s something I should keep so I use it and delete it. And sometimes, I have it and just am trying to waste your time. It’s an easy way to rack up the bill…
This is just one of the many things I love about you Elizabeth!