Every Year Hank gets a stocking FILLED with treats and toys, some of which he’ll sniff and ignore, others of which he’ll devour instantly. If your dog hasn’t told you want he or she wants this Christmas, Here’s some of Hank’s favorite things:
- Bully Sticks – these are not the most modest treat you will purchase this year, but it’s the only treat that lasts Hank more than 5 minutes and it’s way better than trying to brush his teeth. The only ones I’ve found that really work and don’t stink up the house are from A.B. Dog Chew and I find them at All the Best Petcare and Earth Pet here in Issaquah.
- Tennis Balls & a good Chuck-it– Hank LOVES to swim and chase after tennis balls. While he’s a good lab, sometimes his nose doesn’t always find the ball, or another dog steals it. Or it’s disgusting and we leave it “donated” to the park. So, once a year I pick up a case of tennis balls at Costco and we’re set!
- Nyima Bakery Treats! We LOVE Nymia treats! All Natural and Organic Dog treats from a local (Issaquah!) woman owned business! Enter HANK at check out for 10% off your entire order!
- Ruff Bowl– I’m not totally sure where I discovered this find this year but Hank is getting one in his stocking. They have a great Cyber Monday Deal today too. A dog bowl that attaches to your retractable leash and can hold a used bag? I’ll take it!
- Dog-Gone-Good Biscuits– I discovered another neighborhood dog treat company at the vet last week picking up Hank. Hank is LOVING their Heart Healthy Turkey treats in our cookie jar right now! You’re supporting a young (8 years old!) entrepreneur and your dog gets more great treats!
What treats and toys does your dog have to have this holiday season? Share your ideas in the comments!