A few weeks ago a friend emailed me asking for my totally biased opinion (my favorite kind to give!) about how to target a large company with no known contacts. It’s a great question and I thought it might be helpful to share here, if you’re trying to find a way into any size company and don’t have a contact…
I really want to go after (giant company’s) corporate staff. They are right across the street for God’s sake! Do you have suggestions for targeting them specifically?
The first thing that ALWAYS comes to mind for me in these situations:
Ask For Introductions
- Use your LinkedIn to search for contacts and connections you have to anyone at the corporate level within said company. Shoot them a note and ask them if they’re comfortable making an introduction. In my experience, they either say yes and make the intro, or if they haven’t talked to that person in a while they’ll introduce me to someone else at the company or another connection that gets me closer to the business.
- Ask on Facebook for folks who have connections. You know what departments you need connections to and can just ask: “My goal for Q3 is to start working with (giant company) – do you know anyone in (departments you want connections in) that you could introduce me to?”
- This goes for all social media honestly, tweet it out, pretend people listen into the vastness of Google+, SnapChat it…
- Use your Referral Partners – This is what they’re here for right? If you have a couple of people in your network who are great at supporting you and refer to you, ask them if they have any connections or can help make connections to get you closer. They may be heading to a networking event at said company. Or know someone who can get you there.