Mad Men’s final season is back and it is FANTASTIC! Ken Cosgrove has always been an interesting storyline, he gets passed over by stupid whiney Pete for promotions, he goes to Detroit, goes drinking with the client and LITERALLY gets his eye shot out, and then? Then some a-hole at McCann Erickson who hated Ken decides to get him fired because he likes to hold a grudge.
So what does Ken do? Sure he could go write the next great American Novel, and as Pete pointed out, he’d look bad ass on a jacket cover (oh books…). But Ken doesn’t take the high road and live the life less travelled. NO, he goes to work at one of Sterling Cooper & Partners biggest clients and exact his own sweet revenge for the next 6 episodes…
The idea of living the life you’ve always wanted, when your spouse supports you is awesome. Do what you want, be happy. The idea of spending the rest of your days making other people miserable because they made you miserable? That sounds terrible. But it could happen.
Yes, this is the regularly scheduled Golden Rule reminder. Ken Cosgrove and his one good eye could some day be your client, or your boss, or your coworker. Don’t be an a-hole, or be prepared for the consequences.
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