We all know my love of pop culture, so on Sunday morning when I heard that the main “character” on The Jinx, an HBO docu-series was arrested in New Orleans, I became curious. I read a bit more about how in last weeks episode there was a pretty big reveal and so I marathoned the 5 episodes, then watched the finale as it aired. HOLY HELL. The guy confesses to 3 murders when he doesn’t realize his mic is on. WOW. And so the internet blew up and the documentarian is THE hot interview of the moment.
What does this have to do with small business marketing?
Well, hopefully you don’t employ someone who has gotten away with 3 murders (well, until last weekend…), but I have had a number of clients where something happened and there was an opportunity to respond (remember the Go Daddy/Elephant hunting thing? yeah, lots of missed opportunity…) and they were too busy or didn’t have systems in place to do so.
Seize the moment when opportunity knocks.
Is a big name competitor under fire for unethical practices? Make sure your target market knows your ethics standards- share them in a blog post or newsletter.
Did a TV show talk about something you do and it’s the talk of the town? Make sure to promote your zombie survival products more prominently on social media and get your SEO up to speed.
Can you do the same thing (but better) than the latest viral post? Make sure people know!
Your network can’t help you if they don’t know what you do or how they can help you. Yes you’ve told them time and again what you do, but until it’s relevant and in their face, they aren’t going to remember. And make sure the mic is off when the interview is over.
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