I had lunch with a friend today and she asked “do I have to join Pinterest?” My answer? NO. She’s active on Twitter and Facebook and oh yeah, running a really great business, that’s doing WELL.
When you’re running a business there is a TON you have to get done, and now it’s clear that social media is a “have to do” item on your marketing to do list. But as i’ve mentioned before, you have to be comfortable with what you’re doing. We all know I refuse to join Facebook, and that’s OK. 9 times out of 10 when I tell someone this, their response isn’t “well you should” it’s “I’m so jealous” or “I wish I hadn’t.” Social media and all marketing are a responsibility. I’d rather do a couple of things well, than everything half-assed. If you have to ask “do I have to?” you’ve already answered your question.
If you don’t want to do it and it’s a burden, you won’t do it. If it’s something that you believe is integral to the success of your business and you have the budget to bring someone on to manage it (or another team member) then that might be a workable solution. However, if it’s just you, and the idea of one more thing to check/update/pin/retweet a day makes your head want to explode, then you should say no.
Take a few minutes to reevaluate your current sales and marketing efforts every few months. Is what you’re doing working? Are you “pinning” and it’s not bringing in new business? Then go ahead and stop for a month, or reduce the time spent and increase it in areas that you are seeing results from.
And if you need someone else to give you that permission, Hank & I are always happy to let you off the hook.
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