This morning in my pilates class the instructor mentioned that the new owner wants the classes all to be renamed to be more fun and creative. I understand WHY she’s doing this, to bring that uniqueness to the class and studio. BUT, the first thing that came to my mind was that people checking out the studio aren’t going to know what the heck these classes really are!
I LOVE my pilates class as I’ve mentioned before here. And if I were to rename it it’d be rock & roll pilates because we listen to a lot of great music (today was Madonna, Kid Rock and Bruno Mars…), and if you want a zen pilates experience (take yoga instead) this class may not be for you.
Too often in an effort to be unique and creative we forget that it makes ZERO sense to the outside world and may be confusing to our clients. The next time you come up with an amazing idea for your business, make sure that it will also make sense to your clients and prospects.
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