I use to answer the phone all the time. Then I worked at a company that said “if you’re not feeling it, send your call to voicemail.”
That advice changed the way I do business. It seems so simple, but it’s a helpful reminder- you run your business, your inbox, voicemail and social media do NOT. You’re in control. If you’re having a bad day, or a busy day, or just need to focus on a specific project, put the phone on silent (and I find it helpful to turn it over so I can’t see the popups of texts, calls, etc. showing up). Get your work done first.
I know this is hard in a sales position, where the next call could be the next big deal for you. But if you’re cranky, or focused on something else, send it to voicemail. What’s the worst that can happen? You’ll get the sale at the END of the day instead of first thing? I promise you, it’ll be OK. I have yet to lose business from this method. AND if they’re really that desperate right off the bat do you think they’ll be a good client in the long run?
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