The other day I met with a client who said she often gets distracted and spends a lot of time on the next “latest and greatest idea.” So she has videos on her website that people don’t watch, or a ton of social media networks that she’s not using. And her question was, “how do I know what to spend time on?” GREAT question!
As I have mentioned time and again, I am a TERRIBLE employee. So, when my previous bosses would come to me with “a great idea, you should get right on it” I usually give it 48 hours. With some of them, I made them “remind” me about it again. Why? Because it’s not always a great idea. I’m not going to drop everything to work on it and the next have them change their mind.
If you think you have a great idea, give it a couple of days. If you can’t stop thinking about it, that’s a great sign. If you’ve already forgotten about it, that may be an even better sign.
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