Every morning, I get up, drink my coffee, check my email and catch up on social media. Then I get dressed and Hank and I take a 25 minute walk through the neighborhood. It’s my favorite part of the day. Not because we get our wiggles out so we can be productive for the day, but it’s the time of the day without interruption. Before the chaos of my inbox and meetings and clients gets going, I get to think.
I usually spend this time working on a problem. I might have a client project that I need to mull over. I may have a crazy day and need to think through the logistics of getting it all done. I may need to get out all the snarky comments so I can send a professional and appropriate email response when I return. Sometimes it’s personal, sometimes it’s business, sometimes it’s a client, sometimes it’s my company.
When Hank and I get back from our walk, we’re both ready to go for the day. He’ll calm down and sleep all day (and hopefully not snore) and I have my action plan ready to go. It’s the most valuable time of the day, and has led to great inspiration! And when I need to throw something? Duh- off to the dog park we go!
What do you do for your “processing” time?
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