How often do you send out your newsletter?
I’ve had this conversation a couple of times in the past week with clients and colleagues. Some send it out weekly, like a blog post. Some send it out only when they have something to sell and promote, and some (like me) send it out monthly.
The frequency of your newsletter depends on your time available to produce content for the newsletter AND how often you notice your audience wants to read it. If I get a weekly newsletter from someone, I tend to skim every 3rd issue it seems like. If I get an email once a month I usually open it up and take a quick look and then read it if it’s something interesting or that I need to read then. And when I only get emails from someone when they want to sell me on a product or service, I tend to unsubscribe pretty quick.
Here’s my suggestions when deciding frequency:
- What do you want to say each newsletter?
- Is it a recap of your blog posts with a short note?
- Is it just when you’re announcing a new product or service or “freemium”
- Is it updates and reminders to my network? (“now’s the time to schedule your summer appointment”
- How often can you commit to sending out a newsletter?
- Monthly works for a lot of people – many of my clients think they can do more frequently but it’s overwhelming unless you have something specific you’re sending out AND you know that’s how your audience wants to receive it
- Do you have enough for monthly or is every other month enough?
My biggest suggestion with your frequency: Don’t let your audience forget about you. I was just talking to someone the other day who has a service I often need. When someone asked me for the service I forgot about this person because I hadn’t heard from them in so long. Don’t let me forget you’re out there and active and always accepting new clients!
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