A while back one of my favorite debate students texted me and asked if I’d be a reference for her. I said of course, just let me know so I make sure to answer calls in that area code (I don’t usually answer #’s I don’t know). She texted me that she had sent references, I got a call the next day, and over the weekend she texted me that she got the job! Hooray!
I love when people complete the circle. I do a lot of referrals and introductions to jobs and then never hear from them again. It’s frustrating.
The other day I got an email from someone I don’t recall meeting, who referred to me by a nickname for my name which I have never used (strike one). This person then commented that they love my blog and newsletter and in the same breathe asked how Hank was doing…So now you’re just lying to me. And of course a resume was attached asking if I could make an introduction to someone at a firm this person is interested in.
I’m sorry, but there are many strikes on this email before they ask for the favor!
I love helping people out and especially young professionals on the job hunt. BUT, please make sure to do your job and make it easy for me.
- Remind me how we met
- Use the name the person uses (if everything is signed Michael – then don’t use Mike – unless you’ve met and know for sure it’s Mike)
- If you compliment something they do (ex: blog/newsletter) make sure you’ve read the most recent ones (both my newsletter and blog this past week mentioned Hank’s passing)
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