On July 1st I was doing what I always do on the first of the month, invoices and expense reports. It’s not the most glamorous part of being an entrepreneur but it’s the one that keeps the doors open, and kibble in the bowl. After 2 hours of math and spreadsheets and getting all my clients squared away, I emailed my good friend Debbie Whitlock and said “that’s it, I need a virtual assistant to handle my monthly invoices.” And because she’s Debbie, she responded in 5 minutes with an intro to her fabulous virtual assistant to get us all setup.
Starting in August, I get 2-3 hours of my life back, and pay someone else to take the crap off my plate that drives me to day drink. I’m a huge fan of outsourcing, and I’m also a bit of a control freak (and yeah, I hear my husband laughing) so the idea of outsourcing my invoicing seemed like too much to give up. BUT, in the amount of time that someone else can do this for me, and I can do a quick review and call it good? I’m all for that. So, we’ll see how it goes on August 1st with my clients. I’m guessing it’ll be just as smooth as always and I’ll be kicking myself I didn’t do it years ago.
What needs to come off your plate that someone else can do in half the time and give you a half days worth of energy back?
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