A few weeks ago I tagged along on my husband’s business trip to Las Vegas. When the trip was scheduled I was in desperate need of warm Vitamin D, sitting by the pool for 3 days, reading and relaxing sounded perfect. And it was.
I returned to work later that week refreshed, reenergized and ready to go. Sometimes you need to get away. Have you ever sat down for an appointment and realized you’d rather do ANYTHING than be working or pretending to care about the client or stranger across from you that you’re supposedly a great networking fit with? Yeah, it sucks. And we’ve all done it, and we’ve all made it through. And some of those people have become great clients or networking contacts.
Give yourself permission to take a vacation, or a break, or play hooky for the afternoon. Sometimes you need to go home, sit on the couch and watch Mad Men. The last thing you want is to end up overwhelmed and stressed out. After this weeks Mad Men I think we all know how well that worked for Lane…
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