I talk a lot with clients and others about having a newsletter. A consistent form of communication with your network to let them know what you’re up to and give them a “taste” of the method to your madness. I just sent out my May newsletter and started wondering what time of day and day of the week had better results. There is all sorts of data out there about when to send a newsletter and who reads what, when. But the fact of the matter is, it depends on your audience and target market. Start playing with it.
Here’s my 2013 stats:
January Newsletter: sent Wednesday at 9 AM had a 27% open rate
February Newsletter: sent Wednesday at 9 AM had a 25% open rate
March Newsletter: sent Thursday at 9 AM had a 24% open rate
April Newsletter: sent Wednesday at 12:30 PM had a 28% open rate
May Newsletter: Sent Thursday at 12 PM, so far at 29% open rate (the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend)
No matter how long you’ve been sending out your newsletter take some time to play around with the time of day and day of the week you send it. you might be surprised by the results, or they may stay relatively the same. But it’s good to change it up every once in a while!
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