Buying a house also means buying a TON of stuff for the house, which is super fun, until technology fails you. I had a frustrating experience with Crate & Barrel two weeks ago, that was corrected finally, but took a couple days and multiple customer service interactions. And it could have been so much easier and less frustrating if they had better communication and technology in place.
Last week I listened to a webinar my pal Kevin Benson had on improv for business. He mentioned Nice to Have’s versus Have to Have’s. We live in a world these days where you can no longer have “nice to have’s” it’s all a HAVE to have.
You HAVE to have a robust online presence and if you’re selling online. You have to have a quality system in place that doesn’t fail for hours on end. AND you have to have systems in place that communicates immediately to team members when something happens or technology goes off line (it took me 2 customer service interactions to get someone to tell me their site was down, why didn’t everyone know immediately?)
What’s on your “nice to have” or “maybe some day when we’ve scaled” list? What items on that list would revolutionize your business in 2015 if you put them in place NOW. Hire that Virtual Assistant today, outsource the crap that you hate doing, rebuild your website, pay for the better (and probably more expensive) ecommerce solution. It’s no longer a nice to have, it’s hurting your business if you don’t have it.
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