Yesterday I had the pleasure of finally meeting my website developer. It was a disgusting love-fest at eWomen, since Warren & his wife Betsy have spent the last 2 years (and are about to head out again) traveling the world as Married with Luggage.
Betsy spoke at eWomen on The Exotic Entrepreneurs Guide To Growing Your Business. It was a great topic and I enjoyed seeing and hearing Betsy live and in person immensely. She put the notes from yesterday on their website if you missed the luncheon and want to check it out.
After the luncheon I was asked to take Warren & Betsy to their next meeting a few minutes away. We all know how much I love Hank, and that also means that my car is COVERED in yellow lab hair, and although the passenger seat is usually not horrible, the back seat is no place to put a person. So I told them how gross my car is, and apologized profusely, (I’m clearly in need of a trip to Pink Elephant) and then Warren reminded me- when they were in Mongolia, they had to pee outside while a goat looked at them.
Perspective. It’s a good thing to have sometimes.
What are you over reacting to or blowing out of proportion?
It could be worse, you could have to pee with goats.
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