As you hopefully read in my newsletter yesterday, we’re moving to Portland! And while I don’t usually recommend moving and house hunting during the holiday season, in working with my clients it was a natural time to discuss next year’s work and contracts.
One of the things I was LEAST concerned about with this move was my business. I built Yellow Dog Consulting to be mobile, to move wherever I move. I meet with 1/3 of my clients in person each month. I meet with another 1/3 of clients once or twice a year in person. And 1/3 we’re all via email or phone. So, the hardest part was telling clients what this means and how it should not effect our business and working together.
My plan for the first year is to be up in Seattle every other month to meet with clients. As I told my clients this past week, it won’t be a big change, we will schedule a phone call or Skype in the off months and we’ll keep working just fine. One client had a look of panic, the rest barely flinched. A couple even started talking about coming down to visit and do a beer or wine tour of the region. I have the best clients.
Will there be bumps along the way? Yes. But it’s time to hone and refine my practices to become the new best practices as I make changes. Telling my clients early was key to this success. I don’t move for another 6 weeks. For the clients I need to see in person, that’ll be no problem to get scheduled in January.
I often over communicate with my clients, and often apologize for their full inbox. But they also always know what’s going on so that there’s no fires. During this past week when I met with clients they also knew that I’d be taking time off for the holiday’s so we need to get things planned around our vacations. Setting expectations and communication will save me during this transition period, and I’m not worried.
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