When I work with another service provider on a project I try my best to thank them and make sure to let them know if they need something to holler. But I am not good at going that extra step and writing them a quick recommendation. The other day someone I’ve done work with recently popped up on my weekly LinkedIn updates email. It was just the reminder I needed that she did such a great job I should take 2 minutes and write a recommendation for her LinkedIn profile.
How often do I do this? Rarely, I’m terrible at it. How often should I do it? Weekly or monthly. What if once a month you took 15 minutes and publicly acknowledged those people who you have worked with who did a great job? What’s the worst that happens? They’re appreciative and tell people about you. There is no bad idea here.
And now LinkedIn makes it easier and faster with their Endorsement program. When you look at someone’s profile you will be prompted with a list of “skills” they are known to have, and you can endorse the skills that you agree with. EASY.
No more excuses, go recommend AND endorse someone else this week.
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