I was at a luncheon last week and the host was talking about the give and take of networking. It’s a hard line to give too much help and get nothing in return, or to only take and never give. But one point that I really appreciated was:
Seek Help More Often
I’ve spent a lot of time in the past few months becoming very clear that I can’t do it all and I don’t WANT to do it all. I am so eager to help a client out that I don’t realize there’s someone better or more efficient out there than me who should be handling the work.
This doesn’t mean you should go out and hire a VA right away, but it does mean you should take stock of what you need to stop doing yourself in your business. Maybe it’s a piece of business you don’t enjoy (for me, that’s writing for others) that you need to outsource to an accountant or copywriter or designer. Maybe you need to talk with your business partner about the services you’re offering and make sure you’re both doing work you WANT to do.
I’ve been talking with my coach about this over the past few months as well. Changing up services that I don’t really enjoy doing but when I was willing to help anyone with anything I could do. Could doesn’t mean should.
The next time you begrudgingly start a project think through what you’re enjoying about the project and what someone cheaper, faster and more efficient from you might charge to handle it for you.
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