A few months ago I was flying through the Portland Airport. As I was waiting for my flight, another flight was starting to board. And the Alaska Air plane they were getting onto was the Portland Timbers plane. The flight attendant came on to start the pre-boards, and said “as a proud sponsor of the Portland Timbers, if you are wearing Timbers Gear, you can board early.”
How simple was that? It cost them nothing, except a cool reminder that they sponsor the local team and support those who support the local team.
I’m involved with a lot of groups who work with sponsorships. If you’re giving a company your money for a sponsorship, don’t just think about what they can do for you, think about what you can easily do to increase the ROI from your sponsorship. Maybe it’s an introductory offer, or a small free giveaway if they’re wearing the shirt of said organization. Think about this as a member of an organization as well. Is there some way you can give back to other members, simply because you’re both members? The next time a sponsorship opportunity comes up, think about cool ways you can give back in the long run too.
Here’s a few key questions to ask:
What does this audience need? (to get on that plane and get home)
How can I make it easier for them? (boarding early because we like the same thing)
And make it a better experience? (free NW wine and beer on Horizon baby!)
And get them talking about me (hello social media!)
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