I LOVE my dentist, he’s such a great guy, very friendly, a great doctor and a total dork (all important qualities to me). So, a few months ago when my neighbors said they needed a dentist, I told them they HAVE To go see my guy!
Fast Forward to Friday afternoon, I got a letter in the mail from my dentist. And inside that letter was $10. It was a formal typed letter thanking me for referring the neighbors and this was my referral gift.
Besides your grandma, when was the last time you got $10 in the mail? It was a fun surprise!
If a current client refers business to you how are you thanking them? No matter if you send a gift, cash, gift card, a free hour of work, whatever it might be, a hand written thank you note is the way to go. I know you have terrible hand writing and I won’t be able to read half of it, but it really is the thought that counts. I’m not writing this post to look a gift horse in the mouth (plus I already spent the $10!), but make a schedule and remind yourself, when you get a new client, make sure to take 5 minutes to send a note to the person who referred them and if you want to include a gift, do so. It’s not required, but it’s always a thoughtful gesture.
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